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Co-rrelation Between Library Usage And Academic Performance in Schools.

This study focuses on the use of library in schools which results in better academic performance. Library is a place where students can search for more information that they need for their studies and to develop their knowledge. It plays a major role in improving students academic performance. One of the many issues confronting students now a days is perhaps, not their inability to read but their lack of interest. It put forward certain objectives like:-

  • To examine the reading habits among students.
  • To assess the effect of reading habits on students academic performance.
  • To examine the material students read when they visit the library.
  • To ascertain the relationship between reading habit and academic performance.

The problem most students have that contribute to their poor performance in tests and examination is lack of proper reading habits. To conform this issue a survey method with the use of questionnaire was adopted and implemented to ST. Rita's students of about 100 numbers. The questionnaire was prepared with 10 objectives with five criteria's each : Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree. All students attended the survey and completed the questionnaire effectively. The data's are then collected which gives an overall idea about the students opinion about this issue. After data analysis it was concluded that, a good portion of students seem to use the library to some extent and are aware of the benefits provided to their studies as well as in their academic performance. Even though majority of the students who attended the survey are very poor in reading, these students are aware about the use of library and its benefits. A student with good reading habits are able to understand questions easily and better express themselves as opposed to those who do not have good reading habits. There is a need for parents and teachers to encourage their children to develop the habits of reading from infancy so that it will be a part and parcel for students.
